Change of Focus for 2013

What an insane year! My gardening pursuits have dwindled to nothing, just trying to keep things alive at this point. I'll probably be selling most of my tropical ornamentals in the future before I move. Yes, I said move...again. I'm finally getting out of here in May and into my own place. While I don't really want a large yard to take care of, I'm looking for a cottage or apartment with a small space for gardening. My days of large gardens and food self-sufficiency are over, due to my lupus. I simply can't handle a large garden anymore, plus I just don't have time.

I'll be concentrating mostly on ornamentals here on the blog, and including some links to some of my favorite edible gardeners. I'm moving toward edible landscaping, so I'll report on that, with some ideas for edible landscaping that complies with city codes for front yards. It's not that difficult to grow food in your front yard without attracting the attention of the authorities.

So my focus will be more on teaching than on actually doing in the future. I'm going to post at least once a week here, if only to share a link to an article I've written elsewhere on gardening. I do still write for a living, so there will be plenty of those.

I hope you'll join me on my new journey. It's been a tough 19 months since I lost my house and yard, but I was at the point where it was too much to care for anyway. After living in an apartment with no yard for 10 months, I began to realize how freeing it is not to have to take care of a yard, and thinking that maybe my time of landscaping large spaces is over.

Everything in my life is becoming smaller, so it's only sensible that my garden become smaller too. If you'd like to read more about how I'm simplifying and minimalizing my life, check out my new blog, Maxing the Minimal.
